ONE YOU x Matthew Clifford

Meet Dr. Matthew Clifford, a local family physician based in Corunna. Want to get to know him a little better? Read below. You can also shop his outfit here!


Q: What is your profession? Give some detail.

A: I am a physician. This is pretty self-explanatory on first inspection. The largest and most important part of my scope comprises of maintaining the health of my family practice. There is more than patient encounters (which in itself is incredibly important); there is a lot of behind the scenes such as the administrative component as well as running the business, and of course keeping up with labs, charts, and documentation.  My time as a physician can be torn in several directions so time management and efficiency is paramount.


Q: What is it about One Tooth apparel that fits you and your lifestyle best?

A: Always being on the clock requires quick transitions between roles. Having the versatility of One Tooth Apparel allows me to overlap casual/ professional wear with active wear. This allows me less time transitioning between roles of a healthcare provider and weekend/evening warrior at the gym.


Q: What is one thing you do to remain authentic in your everyday life?

A: One if the most important lessons learned in medical residency was time management. This can certainly help with patient care but also self care. Burning out can be a real factor in not only a physicians life but anyone. You can’t take care of someone if you aren’t taking care of yourself. Balance is important to me. For me that is recharging my batteries and decompressing with physical exercise. I try to make it to the gym everyday.

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